Items with Catalogue Number "02002011"

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Longing for Certainty

Reflections on the Buddhist Life

By Bhikkhu Nyanasobhano

In the same lyrical voice that met with such acclaim in Landscapes of Wonder, Bhikkhu Nyanasobhanoa invites us to look upon the natural world with new eyes and to find the truths of the Buddha's teachings in our immediate experience. Attentive to the subtle power of language, Bhikkhu Nyanasobhano choose his words in these essays with such artisty and care that Longing for Certainty resounds with sparkling, fluid clarity.

Catalogue No.  02002011  Language:  English
Publisher:  Wisdom Publications
Type: Book  Category:  Dhamma Reflections
Keywords:  Eastern Religion, Buddhishm
ISBN:  978-0861713387  (2015)  (Paperback)  Pages:  256
Size: 150 x 224 mm

Price: $14.95   Rs. 1125