Middle Land, Middle Way

By:  S. Dhammika

A comprehensive guidebook to the places in India made sacred by the Buddha’s presence. Beginning with an inspiring account of Buddhist pilgrimage, the author then covers sixteen places in detail. With maps and colour photos, an essential companion for pilgrim and traveler.

Middle Land, Middle Way

Catalogue No.  BP609S  Language:  English
Publisher:  Buddhist Publication Society
Type: Book  Category:  Reference
ISBN:  955 24 0197 8  (2008)  (Paperback)
 Pages:  200   Size: 210 x 297 mm

Price: $7.00     Rs. 350

Tel: +94 81 2237283
Fax: +94 81 2223679
e-mail: bps@bps.lk

Buddhist Publication Society
P.O. Box 61, 54 Sangharaja Mawatha
Kandy, Sri Lanka